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Inquiry No.1T088

【Custom Made】Attachment for Welded Nut Tension Test

  1. Force Measurement IMADA
  3. Particular Samples Measurements
  4. Attachment for Welded Nut Tension Test

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Inquiry No.1T088 Inquiry No.1T088

Inquiry No.1T088 Adapter Image Inquiry No.1T088 Adapter Image

Inquiry No.1T088

Inquiry No.1T088 Adapter Image


We will create design proposals and quotations tailored to your specific requirements. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs. Kindly note that, unlike standard products, there is no fixed price, so we will provide a price estimate through our distributor after finalizing the specifications.

This customized attachment is designed for tension test of welded nut on iron plate. A screw is used to go through the customized adapter and tigthen to the weld nut. The strength of the welded part is measured by pulling the customized adapter. Multiple adapters are available for nuts with different diameter screws. It is also suitable for strength tests of resin parts with embedded nuts and screw hole for thread.


  • Designed for tension test of welded nut on iron plate
  • Multiple adapters available for tests of nuts with different diameter screws
  • Also suitable for strength tests of resin parts with embedded nuts and screw hole for thread
  • Protects operator against the dangers of sample debris during testing by locking the screw and adapter
  • Specifications changeable to meet your measurement needs
Unit Converter

Convenient Unit/Torque/
Tension conversion

6 Significant Digits (*Significant digits are meaningful digits that do not include zeros, which are used to indicate the scale.)


Attachments, Grips & Fixtures Attachments, Grips & Fixtures
Custom Made Custom Made