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Inquiry No.1T060

【Custom Made】Cutting Base Plate with groove and knife edge probe

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  3. Resize & Modification
  4. Cutting Base Plate with groove and knife edge probe

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Inquiry No.1T060 Inquiry No.1T060


We will create design proposals and quotations tailored to your specific requirements. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs. Kindly note that, unlike standard products, there is no fixed price, so we will provide a price estimate through our distributor after finalizing the specifications.

Cutting Base Plate with groove and knife edge probe for our food texture analyzer, FRTS series. These are customized products based on FR-GT series and FR-NB-80. Due to the direction of the groove on the plate and extended blade, these toolscan improve your test productivity.


  • Cutting base plate with slit and knife edge probe. Available for not only food samples, but also silicon wafer for semiconductors
  • Cutting base plate has a vertical slit toward the machine so the tester can check the sliced surface of sample and can continue measurement by sliding samples horizontally and increase efficiency the test
  • Knife edge probe has 90mm-width, which is 10mm longer than our standard product, FR-NB-80. A bigger sample can be sliced at one time
Unit Converter

Convenient Unit/Torque/
Tension conversion

6 Significant Digits (*Significant digits are meaningful digits that do not include zeros, which are used to indicate the scale.)


Attachments, Grips & Fixtures Attachments, Grips & Fixtures
Custom Made Custom Made